What do you mean by Employee Onboarding?

Employee onboarding is the process of engaging new employees with a company and its culture. It helps employees get acquainted with their job role and allows them to adjust to the social and performance aspects of the company. Employee onboarding is a necessary process as it helps a new employee like a team member, which is essential for its success.

Steps in the Employee Onboarding Process

The employee onboarding process introduces employees to a company’s working culture and the environment. The employee onboarding process includes welcoming the new candidates, introducing them to their job roles, etc.

Welcoming New Hires

Employee onboarding is the first interaction between the employee and the organization after the hiring process. It is essential to make sure the employee feels welcomed at the place. Apart from this, they should be shown their workstations, and a brief introduction meeting can be set up to introduce them to the other employees and who they can reach when in need. 

Introducing Them to Their Departments

The HR must introduce the new hires to the department they are associated with and the different members of the department. The new hires must be well acquainted with their job role and responsibilities related to their department like, who they must report to, etc.

Acquainting Them to Necessary Softwares

Acquainting the new hires to the company’s software is necessary to ease the confusion. Introducing them to software makes communication easy. 

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Coordinating with Other Departments

It is the responsibility of HR to ensure that the new hires are introduced to members of other departments. Their start date must be notified to the co-workers. HR may organize a one-to-one meeting, schedule an orientation, or plan a small welcoming celebration for the new hires with the help of others.

Training and Development

When an employee is onboarded, it is necessary to overview their goals, plans, and job responsibilities. The new employee goals can then be set for 30, 60, or 90 days. To get started, most employees need to be trained. Most organizations set up training programs to help the new hires polish their skills and abilities to increase their efficiency.

Following Up

In any organization, the onboarding process must follow up for feedback at regular intervals. Communication and understanding build up a better relationship between the employee and employer. This will help in improvising the onboarding process, making it better and more efficient. 

Automating the Onboarding Process

After the recruitment process, the HRs are exhausted to go through the onboarding process traditionally. In such a case, automating the onboarding process can reduce their workload considerably. The HR workflow automation software eliminates the manual dependency in employee onboarding by streamlining it. A simple workflow tool system takes care of the tasks that are performed or not. The onboarding templates can be customized by HR to suit their onboarding needs.

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